There were people all around
Thriving what they sensed right
Listen to that beautiful sound
Silent whisper of a gods might
If you listen to me my dear brother
You will know I'm on your heart
If you listen to me my dear sister
You will know nothings tears us apart
Just these voices of innocent ones
When walking over the frozen lake
As the mad man lays us his puns
Love is what we are good to make
The sound of magic is happening here
You my brother, you are my dear
The sound of magic is happening here
You my sister, come to me, do not fear
As you can touch your thougts of all mighty one
As you can touch the world
As you can touch
The heart
Of the universe
As you can
Your thoughts
As you can
As you can be the part of this world
As you can be the one thats heard
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